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Евгения КАНАЕВА (продолжение)

Маринка: Евгения КАНАЕВА 02.04.1990 Двукратная олимпийская чемпионка по художественной гимнастике 2008 и 2012 годов. Первая в истории художественной гимнастики двукратная олимпийская чемпионка в многоборье, третья в истории художественной гимнастики трёхкратная чемпионка мира в многоборье, многократная чемпионка мира и Европы в отдельных видах многоборья. Заслуженный мастер спорта России (2008). Начало потеряно

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Lovelygirl: очень мягкая пластичная девочка побед ей пусть не знает поражений




milochka_lilo: А почему женя плачет?



Carolinka: Евгения Канаева: «Учусь у конкуренток» Она по-прежнему немногословна на пресс-конференциях. Открытым высказываниям предпочитает обтекаемые формулировки. Это, конечно, пройдёт. По крайней мере, к повышенному вниманию к своей персоне привыкать она уже начала. click here


Инга: Какая Женя молодец! Удачи и всего самого лучшего! Бремя лидерства - самое тяжёлое! Это самая тяжёлая ноша. Намного легче быть 2,3,5... и т.д. Все тебе сочувствуют, понимают...(уух, эти судьи...такие сякие) Но мало кто оценит эту ношу, так как мало людей были лидерами. Удачи и счастья!!!!!






Александр60: Eugenia Kanaeva 2003 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mn7hovQsD8&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6ETxs4CeFk&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSl2_Oz1_A4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrMJUUicM9U&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXiGwGSdp94&feature=related evgenia kanaeva rope Aeon 04 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN9Wlipzq-0&feature=related Evgenia Kanaeva clubs 2004 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ3pJsfjrH8&feature=related Evgenia Kanaeva ribbon 2004 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xfLV_mFB8k&NR=1 evgenia kanaeva ribbon 2005 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ywvYrmViA4&feature=related Evgenia Kanaeva rope 2005 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEgyMShbamU&feature=related evgenia kanaeva hoop 2005 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixz_3wPwwpg&feature=related evgenia kanaeva clubs 2005 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNoT28tRMVE evgenia kanaeva ribbon 06 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OH-HcPBuiA&feature=related evgenia kanaeva clubs 06 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAEg8fmh7ec&feature=related evgenia kanaeva rope 06 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_6IHsU10fs&feature=related



Carolinka: Внимание!!! Началось голосование по определению лучшего спортсмена апреля по версии Агентства «Весь спорт»! голосовать тут

Carolinka: Голосуем !! голосовать тут !!


Маринка: Внимание!!! После шести дней голосования по определению лучшего спортсмена апреля по версии Агентства «Весь спорт» Евгения Канаева опережает Ксению Семенову! click here

Натуля: Евгения Канаева – лучший спортсмен апреля! click here

Viva: "Великолепная семёрка"

Carolinka: Евгения Канаева: "Радуюсь каждому дню жизни" click here

Натуля: Евгения Канаева – лучший спортсмен второй недели мая! click here

Carolinka: Евгения Канаева: «Не могла представить, что когда-нибудь буду на месте Чащиной» click here











Котопес: Очень красивые фотографии!

Маринка: "Восходящая звезда спорта" или "Нас не сломишь" получила гимнастка Евгения Канаева. http://www.glomu.ru/v_svete/20090521/68583248.html


Annushka: Женечка, все хорошеет и хорошеет... просто красавица

flam: Согласна! Расцветает на глазах!


Carolinka: Канаева получила награду от губернатора Омской области click here

Carolinka: Вера Штельбаумс: "Женя Канаева будет прекрасным тренером!" click here



Маринка: Carolinka Я её даже не узнала!

Натуля: Carolinka Классная фотка!!!

Мая: Свежее интервью Жени - сегодня в "Советском спорте" http://www.sovsport.ru/gazeta/article-item/335130

Натуля: Мая Очень интересное и откровенное интервью, не как все предыдущие штампы Спасибо!

Carolinka: Евгения Канаева: «К футболистам не испытываю ни малейшего интереса» click here



avalon2046: Prato 2006 training... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVEaaZGLr50




GX: Выступление на открытии чемпионата России 2008

Carolinka: GX класс !! спасибо !!



Василеночка: Женечка просто супер







vselena_1: Какая красота!!!!!

avalon2046: Universiade Belgrade 2009 Backstage Universiade Belgrade 2009 Ribbon Final

Маринка: avalon2046

vselena_1: Какая Женечка загорелая!!!!!!

avalon2046: Interview Евгения Канаева выиграла на Универсиаде все пять золотых медалей http://www.olympians.ru/site.xp/124055050054057.html

Carolinka: Евгения Канаева – лучший спортсмен второй недели июля! click here

Viva: Женя Канаева: "На Эйфелевой башне мне стало страшно"




shark: 1Биография 2Спортивные достижение 3Интервью 4Итальянская загадка 5Упоминание в прессе 6Цитаты 7Материалы по теме 10Видео http://moikompas.ru/compas/elenakanaeva

avalon2046: may I ask, I want to sent a gift to Zhenya from Taiwan Where should I send to? Novogorsk? If Novogorsk will forward supporter's gift to gymnast? Hope someone can answer me, thanks !

Annushka: avalon2046 I think Novogorsk is the only place where you can send letters and gifts to gymnasts so go for it

avalon2046: Annushka, Thank you very much!!!

avalon2046: one more question, what's Novogorsk's address in English?

shark: I found such address. All of sportsmen practice here. Think, Letter will find the addressee. But you must write an address on Russian, but not in English Евгении Канаевой учебно-тренировочный центр «Новогорск» пос. Новогорск Химкинский район Московская область 141435 Россия Russia Evgeniya Kanaeva, training center « Novogorsk », settlement Novogorsk, Area Himkinsky, Moscow area, 141435, Russia

avalon2046: shark, thank you! a Russian friend told me yesterday, It's OK to write the address in English.

Carolinka: Евгения Канаева: Знаменитой себя не считаю click here

Котопес: Лучший спортсмен весны - Канаева третья! click here

Натуля: Голосование по определению «Лучшего спортсмена июля» по версии Агентства «Весь спорт» продлено на три дня! Пока гимнастка-художница Евгения Канаева опережает чемпионку мира по плаванию Юлию Ефимову! click here

Котопес: Евгения Канаева – лучший спортсмен июля!

Annushka: Евгения Канаева в программе "Мастер Спорта", сюжет со скакалкой Евгения Канаева в передаче "Мастер Спорта", сюжет с обручем

Котопес: Не забываю, что родилась в Сибири


shark: Несколько фоток Канаевой, большого размера http://img221.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=78523_3712617_122_444lo.jpg#

friendly girl=): может этот вопрос уже поднимали.. первая фотография в теме: у жени шрам над бровью?

Carolinka: friendly girl=) первая фотография в теме: у жени шрам над бровью? да )))) она уже рассказывала и не раз , вроде от удара булавы ..

friendly girl=): Carolinka спасибо) было такое предположение) бедненькая ( все равно очень красивая)

avalon2046: from FIG results book for WC Mie 2009 http://www.mie2009.sportcentric.com/vsite/vfile/page/fileurl/0,11040,5219-198600-215823-156019-0-file,00.pdf

Viva: "Великолепная семёрка"


Sana: Carolinka, платье на Жене просто жуть. Зачем так изуродовали милую девочку? Ей интересно понравились эти фото?

gymnastcanata: Sana , да уж оно на ней как мешок какой-то висит. У жени такая фигурка , а они ее зачем-то спрятали...

Sana: gymnastcanata , согласна с вами. Платье больше подходит этакой деревенской девушке с фигурой типа матрешки, и то не в этом мышином цвете. А для Жени можна было бы и более эффектный наряд подобрать!

friendly girl=): Sana gymnastcanata платье конечно...оригинальное. наверно от какого-нить известного бренда, интересное конечно...но...что-то не то. с вами я согласна;)

Carolinka: это не платье такое - это мода такая Зачем так изуродовали милую девочку? её ничем не изуродуешь )))))))) P.S . только туфли её я бы поменяла на что-то другое

танька: Carolinka полностю согласна Ей интересно понравились эти фото? что то мне подсказывает что да

gimnasto4ka: Vstre4a KANAEVOJ

Carolinka: Евгения Канаева вернулась домой: в аэропорту чемпионку мира встречал тайный воздыхатель click here



Инга: Скажите кто-нибудь, кто здесь кроме Жени ещё сфотографирован на последней фотке?

Лёшик: Если не ошибаюсь, то слева направо: Катюша Донич, Даша Дмитриева, после Жени - Зейнаб Джавалды и Яна Луконина. Если ошиблась, поправьте.

Инга: Лёшик Спасибо!

avalon2046: Zhenya finally returned to her hometown 'OMSK' News video: 1. http://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=316592&m=2 2. http://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=316571&m=2

Маринка: http://gtrk-omsk.ru/news/detail.php?IBLOCK_ID=3&ID=16596

Маринка: Золотая девочка http://www.rg.ru/2009/09/23/reg-sibir/kanaeva.html Ну просто потрясающщще! "...Вчера шестикратная чемпионка мира Евгения Канаева вернулась в родной город Омск - отдыхать после триумфального выступления в Пекине..." я быстрее на дату, да нет, свежее)))) читаю дальше "...А что ты чувствовала, когда стояла на пьедестале в Пекине с 6 золотыми медалями?..." Они не Копенгагенн?

GX: Маринка пишет: Они не Копенгагенн? Да ладно, скажем им спасибо, что Канаеву с Кабаевой не перепутали

Маринка: GX им - СПАСИБО!!!!

avalon2046: Zhenya in Korea, 19 Sep. 2009 beautiful photos, she is sooo pretty !!!!!!!!! many thanks to the uploader. http://bbs1.tv.media.daum.net/gaia/do/talk/photophoto/read?bbsId=A000004&articleId=393588 1. arrival, welcome to Korea 2. press conference 3. training

avalon2046: Evgenia Kanaeva, international gala ,sep,19th in Korea training+news clip+opening+Rope+Hoop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLCBpyHOKHY

Маринка: avalon2046

Viva: "Круче Кабаевой только Канаева"

avalon2046: Viva thank you soooooo much, very good article !!!!!!!

Майя: "Золотая девочка": http://www.rg.ru/2009/09/23/reg-sibir/kanaeva.html

Маринка: http://trud.ru/article/01-10-2009/229680_evgenija_kanaeva_v_gimnastiku_menja_privela_babushka.html

Маринка: "Канаева всегда действует по принципу "пан или пропал" http://www.bk55.ru/magazine/archive/2009/142/11862/

Carolinka: В голосовании телеканала «Спорт» за звание лучшей спортсменки сентября у 6-кратной чемпионки мира по гимнастике почти нет соперников. За исключением Елены Исинбаевой. click here

avalon2046: from WC Mie's Official Programme 1036 x 1440, click for big size Ribbon Final-WC Mie 2009 Group AA part2-WC Mie 2009 Zhenya returned to OMSK after WC Mie 2009 press conference-OMSK-23 Sep. 2009

Лялька: S2. ЕВГЕНИЯ КАНАЕВА. ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ГИМНАСТИКА ( 47.7% ) S5. БИЛЯЛ МАХОВ. ВОЛЬНАЯ БОРЬБА ( 52.3% ) Проигрываем Поднажмем http://sportbox.ru/goldpedestal/

avalon2046: Zhenya in Japan, end of Jan. 2009, this was also for the Japan Premium Project http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y_CR6QlQhE haha...her self-portrait...so funny and cute~~

Маринка: avalon2046

avalon2046: found this photo from here http://krass.livejournal.com/616836.html WC Mie 2009


avalon2046: HI, actually I am zhenya0402 of rsg.net forum, me and my friend made a space for Zhenya-"Zhenya Kanaeva Gymnasiums" you will find all information related to Zhenya there, such as translated interviews, news, photos and maybe videos in the future. Feel free to come and leave your comments and feedbacks. Thank you! here's the Space: click here we just finished Zhenya's profile, the information more more detailed than FIG and Wikipedia's, take a look... http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!331.entry I welcome you to provide more information of Zhenya or give me correction, and also to translate to Russian.

avalon2046: space updated http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!369.entry http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!362.entry

avalon2046: space updated Information: FIG released 2009 Mie Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships DVD http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!381.entry

avalon2046: thanks Italian forum's Jewgenija space updated Japanese Organization of WC Mie released RG goods http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!422.entry

avalon2046: space banner, made by a Brazilian Zhenya fan-Joao Lucas and space updated Translation: The Time of Kanaeva (Время Канаевой) http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!442.entry

Viva: №45 от 04.11.2009 г.

avalon2046: cover of International Gymnast magazine issue Nov. 2009 HQ cover photo here' the preview of this issue http://www.internationalgymnast-digital.com/internationalgymnast/200911#pg1 space updated Evgenia Kanaeva: Go On - Work Hard and Enjoy Life http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!533.entry Cover Story-IG magazine-Indisputable Queen-Yevgenia Kanayeva Sweeps Worlds! http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!543.entry

avalon2046: World Cup Budapest 2009 found these photos here http://www.pbase.com/palhegyidaniel/rg_vilagkupa space updated http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!583.entry

avalon2046: WC Budapest 2009 click here

avalon2046: screenshot from FIG WC Mie 2009 DVD-Bonus of Disc one-"KANAEVA new record" I postes a brief review on space: http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!604.entry and here's scan of FIG magazine-World of Gymnastics No.58-High Quality cover+back Inside: photo from WC Mie 2009 photo from World Games 2009 advertisement: others Zhenya is Miss September of FIG 2010 Calender

GX: avalon2046 Good job Thanks!

avalon2046: some good quality photos from Serie A Italy-2008 & 2009, found on Italian RG forum Serie A 2008 WC Portimao 2007 space new article: http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!666.entry Evgenia Kanaeva preparing to participate in the memorial Galina Gorenkova tourment at OMSK

Гарфилд: avalon2046 thank you very much!!!!

avalon2046: photos of WC Mie 2009 Programme-High Quality click for Big/Full size Cover One of the inside pages One of Mie's official goods-towel you can find more photos and downlaod the HQ photos from the space. two new articles of the space 1. WC Mie 2009 Japanese programme http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!797.entry 2. RUS National Team Uniform: So Expensive!(wrote in Chinese) http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!764.entry

avalon2046: photos fromOMSK sport magazine-ETO Sport-No.19 (May/Jun) & No.20 (Jul/Aug) on-Line watch for No.20 http://etosport.ru/20.html on-line watch for No.19 http://etosport.ru/19.html I uploaded more photos of ETO Sport to space's photo album: click here click here and space new article: Zhenya on ETO Sport magazine No.19 May/Jun & No.20 Jul/Aug 2009 http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!833.entry and anyone know, if it is possible to buy ETO Sport magazine for Foreigner?

avalon2046: ANNOUNCEMENT: GREETING VIDEOS COLLECTION FOR ZHENYA! http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!866.entry Dear Zhenya fans: I have an idea, greeting season is coming,I hope to collect many Zhenya fans greeting and send these good whishes to her for Christmas and New Year! My plan is everyone filmed a video yourself, in the video you can say good words to Zhenya or do your want to show to Zhenya or express how much you loved her. for example do her trademark pivot... 。and you need to speak out your name and where are you from first. afterward, you can do what you want to do but must a good thing!When you finished your video upload to mediafire or similar space and leave the downlaod link here (reply this announcement). I will collect all fans videos and combine them then burn to DVD. and sent this DVD to Zhenya for Christmas and New Year's gift! Russian Christmas is on 07-JAN 2010 later than other countries because they use different calendar. the DEADLINE for the greeting video uploading is 05-DEC 2009. PLEASE UPLAOD YOUR VIDEO BEFORE 05 DEC 2009! Thanks and I welcome you to join to this project! Chairlady of Zhenya fans club-Zoe Wan photo designed by Joao Lucas

anastasija: http://kinozal.tv/details.php?id=447516

avalon2046: Joao Lucas's new design-2 banners 1. Elegance and Beauty-18-Nov-2009 http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/elegancenew-18112009.jpg 2. "Strength" another version. 18-Nov-2009 http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/%5E_banner-18112009-02.jpg Space new article: Review: FIG Goods-Nice! http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1016.entry and for CELLPHONE wallpaper 1. 360 x 640-SOUL http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/cellphone-wallpaper-SOUL-191109.jpg 2. 240 x 400-REASON http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/cellphone-REASON-wallpaper-191109.jpg

avalon2046: My new article about Zhneya: I have a dream http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1078.entry It was written in English and Chinese......... I have a dream Zhenya can win 2nd Olympic Games title then retired with Shtelbaums,happy ending。 Zhenya可以衛冕奧運冠軍然後跟Shtelbaums一起退休,美好的結局。 I have a dream This space "Zhenya Kanaeva Gymnasium" can become better and better,and one day I can build a official website for Zhenya! 我希望 "Zhenya體操小館" 會變的越來越好,然後有一天能由我來負責建立Zhenya的官方網站。 I have a dream One day Zhenya will wore the leotard that was desiged by Joao Lucas and she can do her trademark pivot with Joao。 我希望有一天Zhenya能穿上Joao Lucas幫她設計的leotard,希望Joao有一天能跟Zhenya一起做她的招牌轉體。 I have a dream One day I can compose a song for Zhenya playing with my tenor saxophone;and wish she can make a routine with my song。 我希望有一天能為Zhenya做一首曲子,並以saxophone吹這首曲子給她聽;希望Zhenya能用我的曲子編一個routine! I have a dream Shtelbaums can write a book to talk about her two excellent student-Irina Tchachina and Zhenya Kanaeva after retirement;and let catts to write the English version and me,Zoe Wan to write Chinese version~~also a very fatanstic ending。 Shtelbaums退休後能寫一本書談她兩位傑出的弟子-Irina Tchachina跟Zhenya Kanaeva,然後讓catts寫英譯版,我則負責中譯版。這樣更是皆大歡喜的結局。 I have a dream One day,me and catts can meet Zhenya in person after her retiring,and we can have a cup of afternoon tea and have a chat like friends。 我希望有一天,當Zhenya退役之後,我跟catts能有機會跟Zhenya單獨見面,一起喝杯下午茶,一起聊天就像朋友一樣。 I have a dream Zhenya can have a happy and wonderful life,no matter when she is doing RG or when she finished gymnast career and hopefully she can meet a good boy in the future。 MAY GOD BE WITH ZHENYA!!! 我希望Zhenya不管是在役還是離開RG之後,都能有幸福且精彩的人生。並希望她以後能遇到一個理想的好男孩。 願上帝與ZHENYA同在!!! Photo from WC Budapest 2009


avalon2046: RE-POST Serie A Foligno 21-11-2009 and space updated-an article translation... Evgenia Kanaeva: Have I thought about winning 5 medals? No, of course … original article link http://www.libsport.ru/doc/37c4dfb0-7a8e-41c7-9397-a514250cad57/ http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1087.entry


avalon2046: FIG 2010 Calendar I scan the photos for RG-Zhenya Kanaeva-September and ITA Group-April these two are not original size, for original big big size, download here 1. http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=nmdgzdwcqyj 2. http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=hhdvqmeoghb some more photos please check Zhenya Kanaeva Gymnasium space http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/FIG%202010%20Calendar

avalon2046: Joao's new banner design 1. dream http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/DREAM.jpg 2. just one http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/just%20one.jpg 3. greeting video announcement http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/greeting%20video%20announcement.jpg space new article: RG Gymnasts Music Box and FIG 2010 Calendar http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1136.entry After buying so many FIG goods, I have an idea for promoting RG I think FIG can make the music box with RG gymnasts on it. If they make one with Zhenya's doll on it and for music with the classic "Moscow Nights" of course, I definitely will buy one !

avalon2046: Joao Lucas new design pics announcement banner-new version-01-26.11.2009 http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pWvgbyyLVOwtLqP-PxotQdhNcy5keNkVr_MTme9o52mAhpTf_4SqDl_elf0WQqHiaFcv7Gd5nBgxgRI9NNSGm6Q/ann-26.11.2009.jpg "grace"-23.11.2009 http://goyklg.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pggYHILmocDbjj7qFHOzGV_-QtODC9peNVahlUipE3a1OklYN2drzUZz5ZRtBZpRX0r1lEHBAnBPGO5XRU7Kls85GDdvRRRr6/GRACE.jpg signature for Forum

avalon2046: ETO Sport No.21 Sep-Oct 2009 ON-LINE Now !!! http://etosport.ru/21.html http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1156.entry PLEASE CAN ANYONE ANSWER ME IF I CAN BUY THIS MAGAZINE!!! AND HOW??? THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!

Котопес: пост 42 - какая красивая фигура у Жени!!!

Annushka: avalon2046 from what I can see this magazine is sold in Omsk only. Try and email the editor at info@etosport.ru and see if they can mail you a copy.

avalon2046: Annushka, many thanks for your answer! I will e-mail ETO Sport.

Гарфилд: avalon2046

avalon2046: Press Conference-GP Berlin 2009

avalon2046: More Training and Press Conference Photos MANY MANY THANKS Barny! (photos from his facebook acount) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1128374627&ref=nf Zhenya jumped so high~~ This one so beautiful~~ Zhenya so lovely and cute at press conference~~

avalon2046: TWO MORE PRESS CONFERENCE PHOTOS From this website: http://halle.saalesport.de/cms/2009/11/18/9-berlin-masters-2009 CUTEST EVER

avalon2046: short report for GP Berlin 2009 http://www.btfb.de/content.php?navId=753&pageId=1&showDetail=article_1999 Zhenya Kanaeva won AA today with 115.213, very high mark~~ 2nd Kondakova 112.297, 3rd is Staniouta 110.163

avalon2046: Award Ceremony for AA-GP Berlin 2009 http://www.btfb.de/content.php?navId=753&pageId=1&showDetail=article_1999 I will keep updating newest information for this competition on the space. http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1234.entry and Joao's 2nd wallpaper-"Zhenya on Fire"! 1360 x 768, He did this for me, it's my screen's size and I love sooo much Zhenya's new red leotad! http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1ps7N8dfcLBev8K0SrcVp3kpgJbdn6SpURFGBo3o59Fsn3So0uvlYxvUq9ThUwHaB8X5YGrtzkpTxoDSZfEP_pJg/Zhenya%20on%20fire.jpg size: 1360 x 768

avalon2046: from GP Berlin 2009, was shotted by my Chinese friend RC and She allowed me to post here. Zhenya was very tired last night after AA competition, she lean on a RUS group teammate. http://o5qk6w.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pLwAh9m2gqYNA-KK18_yyEkwuj5a-CElIEmFwtEPYdzkGMU_KSAYGZqy5splVPjHcjtHw2gVYCOKvVWylRcLq9VWH2sSjOCbS/2172.jpg

avalon2046: Zhenya @RG goods shop after EF competition-29.Nov.2009, Zhenya was shopping at sasaki and chacot with Kondakova then Billion thanks to RC for shoting this beautiful photos and sharing with me. She allowed me to post on other places/ forums and my space

танька: avalon2046

avalon2046: More GP Berlin's Photos, all these pictures were shotted by my Chinese friend RC, many thanks to her! She allowed me to post her pictures to other spaces/ forums check more photos here, will update constantly. now all photos from AA click here

avalon2046: Zhenya Kanaeva-4 EF routines @GP Berlin 2009 I downloaded from torrent.ru Ribbon Final-GP Berlin 2009 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0Z8OJY03 Rope Final-GP Berlin 2009 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BNECEXNJ Hoop Final-GP Berlin 2009 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4OY8PHM0 Ball Final-GP Berlin 2009 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CQ5RYU60 on-line video uploded by RC http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns%21F902A19D7223ADF5%211467.entry Ribbon Final-GP Berlin 2009 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/5nG_EaAkTJU/ Rope Final-GP Berlin 2009 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/lLbG6qclRMw/ Hoop Final-GP Berlin 2009 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/vpHbL-WuiMM/ Ball Final-GP Berlin 2009 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/HdwmJjeZCQQ/ Interview translation: Not the best on the planet (from ETO Sport No.21 Sep/Oct, 2009) http://etosport.ru/21.html http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1451.entry Bigger size photos shotted by RC-GP Berlin 2009-29.11.2009 1000 x 1500 another one, also 1000 x 1500


avalon2046: Hoop Final-GP Berlin 2009 (avi, 441.35MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=02N3EJ40 Start List Hoop 1. Silvia Miteva BUL Silvia Miteva BUL 2. Evgeniya Kanaeva RUS Evgeniya Kanaeva RUS 3. Aliya Garaeva AZE Aliya AZE Garaeva 4. Irina Risenson ISR Irina Risenson ISR 5. Marina Petrakova KAZ Marina Petrakova KAZ 6. Melitina Staniouta BLR Melitina Staniouta BLR 7. Daria Kondakova RUS Daria Kondakova RUS 8. Anna Gurbanova AZE Anna Gurbanova AZE Awards Ceremony-Rope+Hoop-GP Berlin 2009 (avi, 92.36MB) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS-__s3LkaI http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8NBKIAWD Zhenya Kanaeva-Rope Final-DV HD version 1280 x 720p many thanks to RussianRSGLove http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t-4M6ROt5c download: MP4, 25.93MB http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JWIPFH20 Wow Wow Wow~~Finally found Zhenya's 4EF routines @WC Corbeil in 2007 It's on facebook, pls register then you can watch it HIGH QUALITY!!! http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=102848646393308&ref=mf


avalon2046: Translation: Kanaeva New Record-FIG DVD1 Bonus This is the english translation for FIG Mie DVD1 Bonus-Kanaeva new record,it was made by my new friend Alyona。 This FIG Mie DVD1 Bonus, is a 7 mins documentary。but the oral english translation is just a little for Zhenya and Viner's interview. Therefore I ask Alyona to translate the complete interview of both Zheya and Viners' for me。Many many thanks to Alyona,her translation is excellent!I welcome her to join to our translation team of this space! enjoy your read here: http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1544.entry Joao's new wallpaper


Маринка: asrael

Маринка: Перед долгожданным отпуском знаменитая омская гимнастка и ее тренер Вера Штельбаумс подвели итоги 2009 спортивного года. http://www.omskinform.ru/main.php?id=1&nid=23443

Маринка: Евгения Канаева: «Мне не нравится слышать, что я лучшая» http://www.gzt.ru/topnews/sport/276127.html

avalon2046: I listed the complete events that Zhenya participated this year, pls check on the space: http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1567.entry Zhenya participated 24 events totalled this season, including exhibition show, for competitions-21. and She won 80 golds+6 silvers totalled this year!

avalon2046: English translation for this interview, thanks Alyona! http://www.gzt.ru/topnews/sport/276127.html http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1584.entry Four seasons' wallpapers designed by Joao Lucas (1024 x768) Spring Summer Autumn

avalon2046: My new article: Received Zhenya's 3rd Letter and Zhenya Fans G4 ^-^ http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1604.entry

avalon2046: some "Zhenya Fans Club" logo designed by my Chinese friend Motai, many thanks to her! gif and jpg http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Motai-Zhenya%20Fans%20Club%20Logo

avalon2046: Zhenya Special Letter Paper, designed by RC, big big thanks! I got RC's permission to post here and my Zhenya space http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Zhenya%20Special%20Letter%20Paper-Designed%20by%20RC/paper.jpg (Zhenya 專用信紙) and Joao's new wallpaer-Sixteen http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/wallpaper16.jpg

Маринка: Евгении Канаевой судьи аплодируют стоя… http://omsk.aif.ru/issues/504/21_02

avalon2046: Zhenya won "Breakthrough" award yesterday http://visualrian.ru/images/item/531875

avalon2046: on-line news clip for "Breakthrough" award http://news.sportbox.ru/Vidy_sporta/Events/spbvideo_Po-itogam-goda-molodezhi-v-Rossii-vruchena-novaya-Nacionalinaya-premiya screenshot:

avalon2046: Zhenya letter paper-Chocolate style for Hershey designed by RC, many many thanks http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Zhenya%20Special%20Letter%20Paper-Designed%20by%20RC/Hershey%20letter%20paper.jpg

Viva: "Евгения Канаева стала лауреатом национальной молодёжной премии "Прорыв"

avalon2046: I created a "Little and Young Zhenya" photos section on the space http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Little%20%5E0%20Young%20Zhenya Some early year photos I got from Belosnegka, I have never seen before, BILLION THANKS TO HER!!! :love: :angel: here's some photos of this section.... More photos please check this photos section http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Little%20%5E0%20Young%20Zhenya


Маринка: GX Да уж! Классная фоточка

Маринка: Омичка номер один http://omsk-sport.ru/archives/5033


Маринка: Евгения Канаева: А в детстве я была бабкой-ёжкой! Интервью http://www.sovsport.ru/gazeta/article-item/363516


avalon2046: Joao Lucas's new wallpapers http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2198.entry 1. The show must go on http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/SHOW.jpg 2. Bright http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/bright.jpg 3. new signature for the space and Alyona's wallpaper-sakura http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Alyona%5E4s%20Art%20Design%20Section/Sakura.jpg

avalon2046: New Article: by Alyona CHEBURASHKA–FROM AFRICA TO VANCOUVER http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2249.entry the "Cheburashka photos section" click here

avalon2046: Zhenay Kanaeva Gymnasium @facebook http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2352.entry Today I created a facebook account for Zhenya Kanaeva Gymnasium! It OPENS NOW check here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zhenya-Kanaeva-Gymnasium/253583341248 and create "Zhenya Kanaeva Avatar" photo album @space & facebook account all the beautiful avatars were made by RC,BILLION THANKS TO HER! space: http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Zhenya%20Kanaeva%20Avatar facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zhenya-Kanaeva-Gymnasium/253583341248?v=photos#/album.php?aid=146629&id=253583341248 This one RC named it "Heart Ribbon", because Zhenya's ribbon shape is like a "HEART". original photo also was taken by RC @OG08

тим: А может у кого-нибудь есть фото этого черного купальника спереди ? Очень красивый , наверно музыка классическая и серьезная...

avalon2046: Picture of the Day-Heart Ribbon by RC http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2383.entry Bigger size "Heart Ribbon" photo http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Picture%20of%20the%20Day/Picture%20of%20the%20Day-Heart%20Ribbon%20by%20RC-08.Jan.2010.JPG and Joao's Zhenya avatars-10 pieces facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zhenya-Kanaeva-Gymnasium/253583341248?v=photos#/album.php?aid=146877&id=253583341248 space: http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/avatar1.jpg

rusrg: avalon2046, THANK YOU!!!! Your work is really beautiful!!! i know that you are a big Zhenia's fan and whant to thank you that you are not under (rsg net) propoganda that Russian girls always win because of judjing and mafia!!! i'm very happy that there are people like YOU who see and understand real RG and defend Zhenia when Bessonova fans call her ugly, robot and ect!!! SPASIBO, СПАСИБО, THANK YOU

avalon2046: rusrg, You are welcome. I know Zhenya is a wonderful, kind, nice and good hearted girl. I know this not just by her tremendous interviews/ articles. And from the letters Zhenya wrote to me, She treat me like a friend also her Mother. actually Zhenya's Mom-Svetlana also wrote letters to me. Kanaeva's family are all so nice and kind! You Russian should be proud of Zhenya, should feel proud that your country has such a great gymnast! World Games 2009 http://www.ruanti.org/bbs/thread-42698-1-1.html

rusrg: Thanks for the new photos

Viva: "Канаева круче Кабаевой"

avalon2046: Space New Article WANNA BE HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL – DRINK KEFIR! +... I got Zhenya and Her Mom's Greeting Card today! ^_^ http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2444.entry

GX: Все! С сегодняшнего дня никакого пива! Пью только кефир!!! Thanks avalon2046 for this link.

листик: GX ну только чутьчуть старый мельник


avalon2046: New Article on space: Zhenya Ranked 3rd @Sexiest Athletes of RUS Top 10+videos@Liege-20.Dec.2009 http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2498.entry I uploaded 2 videos to SkyDrive that were posted @facebook by Delphine Theunissen,many thanks! Interesting that Zhenya did rope rouitne with her ball music-Concierto de Aranjuez and free hand with her rope music-Kadril Veselaya。 Zhenya-Akasha @ Liège Country hall-Belgium-20.Dec.2009 SkyDrive download link: http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Zhenya-Akasha%20@%20Li%C3%A8ge%20Country%20hall-20.Dec.2009 BTW, the video that gimnasto4ka posted was I uploaded to youtube, you also can download that video on my msn space-SkyDrive http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Zhenya%20News%20Videos%202009/News%20clip-Zhenya%20new%20routines%20training-22.Dec.09.avi This is my channel on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/cosmos0117

avalon2046: found here http://www.pixiv.net/tags.php?tag=%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8A%E3%82%A8%E3%83%AF

avalon2046: from Italian RG Forum Thanks biancorì http://ginnastica.forumfree.it/?t=4632276&st=2580 ФОТО не открываются

avalon2046: from Italian RG Forum Thanks biancorì http://ginnastica.forumfree.it/?t=4632276&st=2580 фото не открываются

avalon2046: OG Beijing 2008, found in a Japanese website: http://sports.livedoor.com/photo/detail-11888.html?p=1&w=%CB%CC%B5%FE%B8%DE%CE%D8 and New Article: WELCOME TO NOVOGORSK!- written by Alyona http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2610.entry


gymnastcanata: GX , супер фотки Женечка как всегда красотка

avalon2046: GX, MANY THANKS!!! Beautiful Photos, may I know these photos were taken from which event?

Гарфилд: avalon2046 Russia Championship in Saint-Petersburg from 14.01 till 17.01.2010 GX спасибо ждем продолжения

avalon2046: Гарфилд, Thanks for your answer so...Did Zhenya participate this competition

GX: avalon2046 special for you http://s003.radikal.ru/i203/1001/32/a22fad11e546.jpg

Маринка: GX мне тоже очень нра!

GX: А это?

avalon2046: GX, OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU X 10000000000000000000000 I love this one VERY MUCH, the ribbon's shape sooo beautiful and the red leotard is one of my favorite <33333 How many routines Zhenya performed? Did she performed the new routines?

Маринка: GX а это ещё лучше!!!!

GX: avalon2046 Zhenya performed outside of the contest, and all her routines were new.

avalon2046: GX, Big Thanks for your answer <333

avalon2046: GX, I Choose THREE OF YOUR PHOTOS FOR "Picture of the Day" of my space the 2 red leotard ones and the side face one new article Picture of the Day: Russia Champioship 2010-14.Jan-17.Jan2010 http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2746.entry

avalon2046: wallpaper designed by Alyona 1. Glance-left-1024 x 768 http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Alyona%5E4s%20Art%20Design%20Section/Glance-left-1024-Alyona.jpg 2. Glance-right-1024 x 768 http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Alyona%5E4s%20Art%20Design%20Section/Glance-right-1024-Alyona.jpg 3. Glance-left-1360 x 768 http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Alyona%5E4s%20Art%20Design%20Section/Glance-left-1360-Alyona.jpg 4. Glance-right-1360 x 768 http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Alyona%5E4s%20Art%20Design%20Section/Glance-right-1360-Alyona.jpg New Article: YOU NAME IT! by Alyona http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2795.entry

friendly girl=): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRS-sx4vtzs

avalon2046: GymGala Gent 2009

avalon2046: News: Best 10 Sportsmen of Russia 2009 + catts' Montage http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2836.entry Below is catts' Montage for "greeting to Zhenya project" He wished Zhenya watched it first then I can release it on-line since Zhenya had already watched our gifts, so I shared with you this great and very touched montage here. Music: No Boundaries by Kris Allen Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJhMEvIW73Y Tudou http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/0DEVozj9Dqc

avalon2046: From ETO Sport Magazine-No.22-Nov/Dec 2009 http://etosport.ru/22.html Gorenkova Cup-OMSK RG competition-02-06.Dec.2009 Ira awarded the certificate of Honored Master of Sports to Zhenya! <333 http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/ETO%20Sport%20magazine%202009/Zhenya%20%5E0%20Ira-ETO%20Sport-22-NovDec.2009.jpg and other photos from this competition http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/ETO%20Sport%20magazine%202009/Gorenkova%20Cup-ETO%20Sport-22-NovDec-2009-01.jpg http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/ETO%20Sport%20magazine%202009/Gorenkova%20Cup-ETO%20Sport-22-NovDec-2009-02.jpg http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/ETO%20Sport%20magazine%202009/Gorenkova%20Cup-ETO%20Sport-22-NovDec-2009-03.jpg Award Ceremony-AA Final-Gorenkova Cup, Zhenya, Dmitrieva and Narkevich http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/ETO%20Sport%20magazine%202009/Gorenkova%20Cup-ETO%20Sport-22-NovDec-2009-04.jpg

Маринка: Огромного размера фотки)

avalon2046: 3 wallpapers designed by Joao Lucas 1. Fairy Queen http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pjrUPNNfhdEsnDZv51s8y82qnOOrMhoZooHAc32Fp47ixOhaXaqZ79JbaruSytKokTi0XRdj2bFPgHE6lNP9kPA/wallpaper-fairyq-Joao%20Lucas.jpg 2. True Swan http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pm3VmQKClvlStIqa05ywovQaRX7GPncWzqpjpXYJgjO6XdSvO2AJ9SU1S_dZQAwuTdLeAaVgPKZSmBllu4Sjw8w/wallpaper-true%20swan-Joao%20Lucas.jpg 3. New Moon http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1ptfi2maroUA7fQBSTn1QN4fuMVbyFjNxPq6opnnAg7vM0KyCWukda4PS276b8ktSnjhs6PswJbPEkqVjGFfr6Nw/newmoon.jpg New Banner designed by Alyona "A realibus ad realiora"-Latin words means " from Real to Over-Real!" (From ordinary things to extraordinary) http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pxdJTblBM_CW2n_ons1URwjItHmzur8H8jVAG48OQ4obXpyogPoZ3K2mHU_bPgDRFkiOHguxvI8LfbdDoeahs0Q/Banner-From%20Real%20to%20Over-Real.jpg Article: Introduce National Anthem of Russia Federation by Alyona http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2908.entry

avalon2046: Translation: ETO Sport Magazine-No.22 Nov/Dec 2009 http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2927.entry http://etosport.ru/22.html This article, originally written in Russian for ETO Sport On-Line Magazine, tells about the results of the Galina Gorenkova Cup, which was held in Omsk in the end of 2009. Here you will read short interviews of Irina Tchashina, Evgenia Kanaeva, Daria Dmitrieva and Elena Arais (Zhenya’s first coach and the judge of the tournament).

rusrg: Кто посмотрел новые Женены программы, поделетись мнениями и впечатлениям?? Who has already seen Zhenia's new routine, let's devide our oppinions?1! мне оч понравилась лента, Жене так идет испанская музыка, она на мой взгляд в ней очень органична(как и в русской народной и в нежной лирической), конечно начало сезона, понятно, что программы далеки от совершенства, но задумки ОЧЕНЬ хорошие скакалка-тоже понравилась, столько сложной"ловли"(не знаю, как правельно), т.е. работа с предметом сложная. I liked her ribbon routine as for me she is very natural in Spanish music and it fits her a lot(the same with Russian folk music and lyric music as well) I also liked rope routine especially handling work. Of course the routines are far a way from perfection but it's jut a beginning of the year...

Инга: Может кто-нибудь выложит новые программы Жени??? Пожалуйста....

Розочка: Инга На Первенстве России она их показывала, поищите видео выкладывали много.

rusrg: Они есть на www.youtube.com еще есть видео с программыми Даши Кондаковой, аналогичное предлажение на ее страничке обсудить ее программы!

avalon2046: World Championships Mie 2009 from Longines Japanese website normal quality photos

rusrg: avalon2046 Thank you, your photos are always great!!! Cпасибо!

avalon2046: rusrg, you are welcome this one is the HQ's small size but without watermake

avalon2046: World Cup Montreal 2010, photo by Tom T Zhenya 4 AA routines-HD720p videos, download: mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=aaf7568887f975570c814df2efeadc50787f21702811c8bab16e5c9d3b204475 megaupload http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QPLFRHDO

avalon2046: photos from IG magazine issue.nov.2009 (that one with Zhenya on the cover) I got it yesterday, RG's information is very poor. http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/IG%20Magazine%20issue.%20Nov.2009/IG-Nov.2009-03.jpg http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/IG%20Magazine%20issue.%20Nov.2009/IG-Nov.2009-01.jpg http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/IG%20Magazine%20issue.%20Nov.2009/IG-Nov.2009-02.jpg

rusrg: Новый Женин мяч-ЧУДО!!! Какая она -артистичная, пластичная девочка, любую музыку выразить может, а РУКИ, нет слов-Божественно!

Belosnegka78: rusrg пишет: Новый Женин мяч-ЧУДО!!! +1 Мой любимый вид, который, на мой взгляд, не требует никаких корректировок. А вот "скакалочная" музыка, опять же ИМХО, Жене не очень идет. Эх....есть у меня ряд "музык", которые б отлично подошли именно Канаевой. Одно время я очень хотела, чтоб кто нибудь сделал скакалку под Safri Duo и на Гран При Москва 2005 была приятно прям шокирована, что моя любимая гимнастка Ирина Чащина взяла эту музыку!

rusrg: Belosnegka78 Напишите, пожалуйста на Даше Кондаковой страничке, как вам ее программы, особенно мяч интересует, тк тож мой любимый предмет

avalon2046: Space New Article: Picture of the Day: Zhenya's Handwriting+Zhenya WC Mie 2009 videos package http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3218.entry


Natysik: сори за фотки которые уже были

avalon2046: New Article: Picture of the Day: Euskalgym Spain 2009 + Photos Album! http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3241.entry 91 photos for the album! some photos from this album http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu213/avalon2046/Picture%20of%20the%20Day-Zhenya%20Kanaeva%20Gymnasium/Zhenya-EuskalgymGalaShowSpain2009-6.jpg http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu213/avalon2046/Picture%20of%20the%20Day-Zhenya%20Kanaeva%20Gymnasium/Zhenya-EuskalgymGalaShowSpain2009-8.jpg http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu213/avalon2046/Picture%20of%20the%20Day-Zhenya%20Kanaeva%20Gymnasium/Zhenya-EuskalgymGalaShowSpain2009-4.jpg http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu213/avalon2046/Picture%20of%20the%20Day-Zhenya%20Kanaeva%20Gymnasium/Zhenya-EuskalgymGalaShowSpain2009-7.jpg http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu213/avalon2046/Picture%20of%20the%20Day-Zhenya%20Kanaeva%20Gymnasium/Zhenya-EuskalgymGalaShowSpain200-2.jpg http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu213/avalon2046/Picture%20of%20the%20Day-Zhenya%20Kanaeva%20Gymnasium/Zhenya-EuskalgymGalaShowSpain200-1.jpg http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu213/avalon2046/Picture%20of%20the%20Day-Zhenya%20Kanaeva%20Gymnasium/Zhenya-EuskalgymGalaShowSpain2009-0.jpg in the article you can get the link of this photo album! many many beautiful photos, billion thanks to the photographer and my friend Laura' sharing (Love)(Love)(Love)

Маринка: avalon2046

Маринка: World Games 2009 Kaohsiung

Маринка: World Games 2009 Kaohsiung

Маринка: World Games 2009 Kaohsiung

Маринка: World Games 2009 Kaohsiung

Маринка: World Games 2009 Kaohsiung

Маринка: World Games 2009 Kaohsiung

Маринка: World Games 2009 Kaohsiung

Маринка: World Games 2009 Kaohsiung

avalon2046: Space Two Articles 1. Zhenya-Gala-Chess-Russia Nationls 2004+Guess Who! http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3373.entry Gala "Chess" video: Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?jmunjniwyym Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73PWXZRRdAU 2. BOSCO stands for Beautiful, Original, Sportive, Comfortable, Outstanding http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3356.entry

avalon2046: a short interview translation, many thanks Alyona!!! Evgenia Kanaeva: Hoop and Rope are more difficult for me at the moment+ 4EF videos @ Montreal http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3424.entry


avalon2046: Evgenia Kanaeva-News+Interview Videos 2009-32 Files! http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3574.entry get the 32 files list and download links in this article! Here, in Taiwan is celebrating the Chinese New Year, it's on Sunday-14-Feb.2010 I would like to give Zhenya fans a special gift! I uploaded all the news and interviews videos of Zhenya in year 2009 that I collected: 32 files totalled!!! from the very beginning to the end of year 2009, hopefully you will like this gift. Happy Chinese New Year, all the BEST for EVERYONE!!! BTW, I got Zhenya's Mum-Svetlana's greeting letters today and yesterday, I am very Happy.


avalon2046: I missed one interview video-GP Brno 2009! I already uploaded it to mediafire, so it's 33 files in totaled! http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=aaf7568887f975570c814df2efeadc50be097304aaacc777ab2760b045f9b3db and there is one more-Zhenya's documentary-with english subtitle-HQ I released it on my space @16.Jan.2010 download Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CQDAVJ0E

avalon2046: OMSK - THE CITY WHERE THE STAR WAS BORN-A very Good Video Made by Alyona! http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3596.entry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd3YhH0Ve4k This video is a short presentation of a beautiful siberian city OMSK. OMSK is a home town of the Olympic and World RG Champion Evgenia KANAEVA. This video contains information gained from http://www.omsk.ru Music by Michael Silvanovich ''Omsk Streets'' and Igor Krutoy ''All the World is Love''. Have fun watching!

avalon2046: wallpaper for "Year of the Tiger" made by Alyona. many thanks to her! 1. 1280 x 960 http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Alyona%5E4s%20Art%20Design%20Section/Tiger%5E_big-1280%20x%20960.jpg 2. 1024 x 768 http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Alyona%5E4s%20Art%20Design%20Section/white%5E_tiger-1024%20x%20768.jpg

avalon2046: Two Articles: 1. Summary: Zhenya Competitions Results @Senior-2006-2010 Now! Today I made a summary for Zhenya's most competitions results @senior (2006-2010 now) check detailed at my space........ http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3663.entry 2. PREVIEW (I) : European Championships Bremen Germany-16-18 Apr. 2010 http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3659.entry

avalon2046: Zhenya special letter paper-I have a dream-written by Zoe Wan-art designed by RC. Billion thanks to her!!! since Zhenya already got my this letter, I shared this beautiful letter paper to the space for download. http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Zhenya%20Special%20Letter%20Paper-Designed%20by%20RC/I%20have%20a%20dream-written%20by%20Zoe%20Wan-art%20designed%20by%20RC.jpg photo of this letter printed out http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Zhenya%20Special%20Letter%20Paper-Designed%20by%20RC/I%20have%20a%20dream-print-s.jpg Zhenya Fans Quartet-there are 4 letter papers designed by RC, and sent to Zhenya in this project, so I named it-"Zhenya Fans Quartet! http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Zhenya%20Special%20Letter%20Paper-Designed%20by%20RC/Zhenya%20Fans%20Quartet-print-s.jpg GP Berlin 2009 http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Grand%20Prix%20Final%20Berlin%202009%5EJ%2028%20%5E0%2029%20Nov.%202009/Kanaeva-GP%20Final%20Berlin%20Masters%202009-01.jpg http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Grand%20Prix%20Final%20Berlin%202009%5EJ%2028%20%5E0%2029%20Nov.%202009/Kanaeva-GP%20Final%20Berlin%20Masters%202009-03.jpg http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Grand%20Prix%20Final%20Berlin%202009%5EJ%2028%20%5E0%2029%20Nov.%202009/Kanaeva-GP%20Final%20Berlin%20Masters%202009-02.jpg Zhenya+Shtelbaums-year 2008 http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu213/avalon2046/Some%20Photos-2008-2009-2010/ZhenyaShtelbaums-2008-250px.jpg

avalon2046: Thank you very much, GX!!! beautiful photo <33333 first time to see Zhenya did rope with this leo Zhenya with 2 times OG Boxing Champion-Alexey Tishchenko, he is also from OMSK and with children. <333 I guess this photo was taken @beginning of June 2009. at that time Zhenya went back to OMSK, she and Tishchenko visited an OMSK OG reserved village. I read the news last year. HQ


GX: avalon2046 your welcome

avalon2046: two interviews 1. http://www.championat.ru/other/article-50418.html 2. http://allsportinfo.ru/index.php?id=37736

avalon2046: Evgenia Kanaeva-Rope 2010 Music-Full Version-Pigalle (Interlude) by Patricia Kaas http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3797.entry Full Version download link: 1. Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?mjxndi4jwjz 2. MSN SkyDrive: http://cid-195a5d8881ad6fe8.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Evgenia%20Kanaeva-Music%202010/01.%20Evgenia%20Kanaeva-Rope%202010-Full%20Version-Pigalle%20%5E5Interlude%5E6-Patricia%20Kaas.mp3 I finally found it! Thanks Zhenya gave the clue in her interview said it's a funny song of Patricia Kaas. of course also many thanks to Alyona's translation! Song Title: Pigalle (Interlude) Album: Kabaret Singer: Patricia Kaas and I create a folder for Zhenya's Music 2010 here: http://cid-195a5d8881ad6fe8.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Evgenia%20Kanaeva-Music%202010 I have uploaded Rope、Hoop and Ball music full version to this folder. will keep update if I find more. you can download all her music (routine+gala-2003-2010) @mediafire http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=aaf7568887f975570c814df2efeadc50a333947eb311395ed6e38d13f15c3e80

avalon2046: A beautiful wallpaper made by my friend-Hershey. Many Thanks!!! I love it! <33333 and BBBIG Thanks GX's beautiful photo!!! http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu213/avalon2046/Zhenya-Wallpaper/Zhenya-Wallpaper-Hershey-21Feb2010.jpg

avalon2046: Zhenya Kanaeva Profile-I made in 21-Oct-2009 http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/?_c11_BlogPart_BlogPart=blogview&_c=BlogPart&partqs=cat%3dZhenya%2520Profile Zhenya's Mom-Svetlana had checked this profile for me,and made corrections about Zhenya's height and weight,she is 170 cm+ and 48-49 kgs now。

avalon2046: Zhenya Gala Videos Collection-2004-2009 & Happy Lantern Festival! check detailed list and download link at space http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!3823.entry

avalon2046: Сибиряки-2009 http://sib21vek.ru/ext-voting/7.html Zhenya is nominated again news report: http://www.ria-sibir.ru/viewnews/38310.html

avalon2046: Grand Prix Thiais 2008


avalon2046: from a famous Russian Photographer's website this is Calendar 2010, Zhenya Kanaeva, Irina Tchachina, Ermakova, Merkulova, Kondakova, Lukonina and maybe Tkachenko http://www.vladloktev.ru/?id=1046&page=2 http://www.vladloktev.ru/?id=1046&page=1 http://www.vladloktev.ru/?id=1046&page=3 WC Debrecen 2010

avalon2046: this one also Zhenya and Thanks Belosnegka's sharing

avalon2046: from World Cup Portimao 2010 http://picasaweb.google.com/raquelestevesphotos/2010WorldCupPortimao#5446995845036623410

avalon2046: 30th World Championships Moscow 2010 Logo found on FIG website Alyon'a new wallpaper-Rainbow & Flower. Many Thanks to HER! 1380 1280

танька: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2ozwr3uHtQ


avalon2046: World Cup Portimao 2010-Big Size photos

avalon2046: http://picasaweb.google.com/sermateusphoto/PortimaoInternationalTournamentFIGWorldCupSeries2010FinalRopeAndHoop#

avalon2046: Portimão World Cup 2010 фото Tom Theobald

avalon2046: Portimão World Cup 2010 фото Tom Theobald

avalon2046: Zhenya 3EF routines videos-WC Portimao 2010-RUS NTV broadcast version I downloaded from torrent and cut Zhenya's parts avi files Evgenia Kanaeva-Rope-Final-WC Portimao 2010-RUS NTV coverage (avi, 7.94MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DPVLO97E Evgenia Kanaeva-Ribbon-Final-WC Portimao 2010-RUS NTV coverage (avi, 75.34MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=60244UE1 Evgenia Kanaeva-Ball-Final-WC Portimao 2010-RUS NTV coverage (avi, 57.75MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=107FK24U

Маринка: Dinasfoto

Маринка: Portimão World Cup 2010

Маринка: Portimão World Cup 2010

avalon2046: Zhenya WIKI Project finished! This is a gift for Her 20th Birthday! catts, Alyona and I made a gift for Zhenya's upcoming 20th Birthday! We called it "Zhenya WIKI Project". We edit her WIKI profile with multi-languages-English, Russian and Chinese. Now you can get more Zhenya's information in Wikipedia read more at @space http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!4325.entry

avalon2046: Tom's Picture of the Day "Young Zhenya... From a recent request to research all Evgeniya images" hehe Actually It's my request to Tom, I want to buy all Zhenya's photos he have. and he found these early year's photos and I sent these photos to Zhenya's Mom, she was very glad and said Thanks to Tom. She also said France was Zhenya's first country she visited ever, in 2003, Calais. and said Zhenya got really sick with a bad flue three weeks before that competition, and she wanted to get well soooo fast , she really dreamt about going there. And she got well , but still was a little weak there. She was so happy she was able to go. http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!4358.entry

avalon2046: My Friend-RC's photo Ball-Final-Thiais 2010

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