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Евгения КАНАЕВА (продолжение)

Маринка: Евгения КАНАЕВА 02.04.1990 Двукратная олимпийская чемпионка по художественной гимнастике 2008 и 2012 годов. Первая в истории художественной гимнастики двукратная олимпийская чемпионка в многоборье, третья в истории художественной гимнастики трёхкратная чемпионка мира в многоборье, многократная чемпионка мира и Европы в отдельных видах многоборья. Заслуженный мастер спорта России (2008). Начало потеряно

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Маринка: Евгения Канаева: «Мне не нравится слышать, что я лучшая» http://www.gzt.ru/topnews/sport/276127.html

avalon2046: I listed the complete events that Zhenya participated this year, pls check on the space: http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1567.entry Zhenya participated 24 events totalled this season, including exhibition show, for competitions-21. and She won 80 golds+6 silvers totalled this year!

avalon2046: English translation for this interview, thanks Alyona! http://www.gzt.ru/topnews/sport/276127.html http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1584.entry Four seasons' wallpapers designed by Joao Lucas (1024 x768) Spring Summer Autumn

avalon2046: My new article: Received Zhenya's 3rd Letter and Zhenya Fans G4 ^-^ http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!1604.entry

avalon2046: some "Zhenya Fans Club" logo designed by my Chinese friend Motai, many thanks to her! gif and jpg http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Motai-Zhenya%20Fans%20Club%20Logo

avalon2046: Zhenya Special Letter Paper, designed by RC, big big thanks! I got RC's permission to post here and my Zhenya space http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Zhenya%20Special%20Letter%20Paper-Designed%20by%20RC/paper.jpg (Zhenya 專用信紙) and Joao's new wallpaer-Sixteen http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/wallpaper16.jpg

Маринка: Евгении Канаевой судьи аплодируют стоя… http://omsk.aif.ru/issues/504/21_02

avalon2046: Zhenya won "Breakthrough" award yesterday http://visualrian.ru/images/item/531875

avalon2046: on-line news clip for "Breakthrough" award http://news.sportbox.ru/Vidy_sporta/Events/spbvideo_Po-itogam-goda-molodezhi-v-Rossii-vruchena-novaya-Nacionalinaya-premiya screenshot:

avalon2046: Zhenya letter paper-Chocolate style for Hershey designed by RC, many many thanks http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Zhenya%20Special%20Letter%20Paper-Designed%20by%20RC/Hershey%20letter%20paper.jpg

Viva: "Евгения Канаева стала лауреатом национальной молодёжной премии "Прорыв"

avalon2046: I created a "Little and Young Zhenya" photos section on the space http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Little%20%5E0%20Young%20Zhenya Some early year photos I got from Belosnegka, I have never seen before, BILLION THANKS TO HER!!! :love: :angel: here's some photos of this section.... More photos please check this photos section http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Little%20%5E0%20Young%20Zhenya


Маринка: GX Да уж! Классная фоточка

Маринка: Омичка номер один http://omsk-sport.ru/archives/5033


Маринка: Евгения Канаева: А в детстве я была бабкой-ёжкой! Интервью http://www.sovsport.ru/gazeta/article-item/363516


avalon2046: Joao Lucas's new wallpapers http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2198.entry 1. The show must go on http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/SHOW.jpg 2. Bright http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/bright.jpg 3. new signature for the space and Alyona's wallpaper-sakura http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Alyona%5E4s%20Art%20Design%20Section/Sakura.jpg

avalon2046: New Article: by Alyona CHEBURASHKA–FROM AFRICA TO VANCOUVER http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2249.entry the "Cheburashka photos section" click here

avalon2046: Zhenay Kanaeva Gymnasium @facebook http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2352.entry Today I created a facebook account for Zhenya Kanaeva Gymnasium! It OPENS NOW check here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zhenya-Kanaeva-Gymnasium/253583341248 and create "Zhenya Kanaeva Avatar" photo album @space & facebook account all the beautiful avatars were made by RC,BILLION THANKS TO HER! space: http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Zhenya%20Kanaeva%20Avatar facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zhenya-Kanaeva-Gymnasium/253583341248?v=photos#/album.php?aid=146629&id=253583341248 This one RC named it "Heart Ribbon", because Zhenya's ribbon shape is like a "HEART". original photo also was taken by RC @OG08

тим: А может у кого-нибудь есть фото этого черного купальника спереди ? Очень красивый , наверно музыка классическая и серьезная...

avalon2046: Picture of the Day-Heart Ribbon by RC http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2383.entry Bigger size "Heart Ribbon" photo http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Picture%20of%20the%20Day/Picture%20of%20the%20Day-Heart%20Ribbon%20by%20RC-08.Jan.2010.JPG and Joao's Zhenya avatars-10 pieces facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zhenya-Kanaeva-Gymnasium/253583341248?v=photos#/album.php?aid=146877&id=253583341248 space: http://cid-f902a19d7223adf5.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Joao%20Lucas%20Art%20Design%20Section/avatar1.jpg

rusrg: avalon2046, THANK YOU!!!! Your work is really beautiful!!! i know that you are a big Zhenia's fan and whant to thank you that you are not under (rsg net) propoganda that Russian girls always win because of judjing and mafia!!! i'm very happy that there are people like YOU who see and understand real RG and defend Zhenia when Bessonova fans call her ugly, robot and ect!!! SPASIBO, СПАСИБО, THANK YOU

avalon2046: rusrg, You are welcome. I know Zhenya is a wonderful, kind, nice and good hearted girl. I know this not just by her tremendous interviews/ articles. And from the letters Zhenya wrote to me, She treat me like a friend also her Mother. actually Zhenya's Mom-Svetlana also wrote letters to me. Kanaeva's family are all so nice and kind! You Russian should be proud of Zhenya, should feel proud that your country has such a great gymnast! World Games 2009 http://www.ruanti.org/bbs/thread-42698-1-1.html

rusrg: Thanks for the new photos

Viva: "Канаева круче Кабаевой"

avalon2046: Space New Article WANNA BE HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL – DRINK KEFIR! +... I got Zhenya and Her Mom's Greeting Card today! ^_^ http://litingw2046.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F902A19D7223ADF5!2444.entry

GX: Все! С сегодняшнего дня никакого пива! Пью только кефир!!! Thanks avalon2046 for this link.

листик: GX ну только чутьчуть старый мельник

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