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2012.10.07 Cari Prato Trophy BPV

GiocosaTheQueen: Today in Prato there was a little competition where Staniouta was present, I was there I wrote a fast article with some photos and soon I'll post all the videos. http://giocosathequeen.altervista.org/trophy-bpv-ex-cariprato-2012/

Ответов - 16 новых

Riki: GiocosaTheQueen Thank you very much Giocosa! We will be very glad to see the videos, especially of Marina Durunda, Marina Kadobina, Melitina Stanuta and the new generation of italian gymnasts

GiocosaTheQueen: I'll upload everything as soon as possible! P.S. Marina Durunda is so incredible she's a new rising star for me!

Ciprianna: GiocosaTheQueen

GiocosaTheQueen: Ciprianna you're welcome!!

Школьник: Veronica Bertolini (ITA)

Школьник: Viktoriya Gorbunova (KAZ)

Школьник: Viktoriya Gorbunova (KAZ)

Школьник: Lala Yusifova (AZE)

Школьник: Lala Yusifova (AZE)

Школьник: Maria Kadobina (BLR)

Школьник: Marina Durunda (AZE)

Школьник: Federica Febbo (ITA)

Школьник: Melitina Staniouta (BLR)

Школьник: Melitina Staniouta (BLR)

Школьник: Melitina Staniouta (BLR)


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